Friday 24 May 2024

Album Review: Off Planet by Chrome Plus


Off Planet


Chrome Plus


I have always had a bit of thing when it comes to Hip Hop backed by live instruments, something that goes all the way back to Stetsasonic and when I first heard that Norwich emcee/producer/DJ Chrome was doing just that, it’s fair to say I was a little excited. Then in November of 2021 it was my pleasure to review the debut single by Chrome Plus, Popcorn b/w Pieces Will Align.

Now fast forward to today and, with the imminent release of the debut album from Chrome Plus, I get to sink my ears into that album, Off Planet. If you missed the original review of the single, let me just let you know who Chrome Plus is, Michael (Chrome) Walkeden, Phil Critten, Tom Hanna and Justin Bennitt, and what these guys do is mix up live bass and guitars with additional production elements and, of course, a dose of cuts from Chrome and JB.

Off Planet features some addition production from Mr Fantastic (ae Productions) and Rockid Sound Machine, plus some additional cuts and scratches from Technical J and Mr Wonderful. Mixed and mastered by JB, the album is released through AE Productions and features cover art from Lucy Alice Winter and design by Ian C Taylor.

Now, with all that said and with a sizeable seventeen tracks (including three remixes and an alternate version) to get through, join me as I go Off Planet with Chrome Plus…

Note: I am working from the mix for the cassette version of the album so, this is mainly mixed together, with few breaks between the tracks on each side so, I will write accordingly with no breaks until I flip sides. It is also worth me noting here that the two Remixes of Gone Is The Day, that round off the album, are exclusive to the limited cassette version and not the vinyl, which is a great reason to grab both…

The album opens with the first single to be released, Gone Is The Day and this is the album version as the single featured two remixes of the track, which you will get to hear rounding off the album. Drums, guitars and bass all merge to bring you a thumping vibe that feels like a Rock and Hip Hop mash-up which moves the very essence of who you are. Chrome’s lyrics here describe someone of the older generation, looking back over life while sat in the present moment but, that present moment is a place where the good times seem to have past and the now is a confusing place where everything is confusing, and the sun has abandoned life to be replaced by grey clouds and rain. However, the dark times are just a figment of the imagination of someone who is not quite grasping the way the world around them has progressed, the good times are still there, you just have to be open minded. With that thought in mind we move directly into Off Planet Radio, which kind of serves as the albums intro. We get tuned across a few random stations featuring a host of different sounds and vibes before settling on Chrome’s Off Planet Radio intro but, there is not time to even think about what might be next is it’s straight into Fantastic, co-produced by Mr Fantastic, a wicked boom bap beat is backed by heavy rock guitar, deep bass, and plenty of cuts, to create a sound that will get you bouncing around without abandon. Chrome ups the pace on the vocals here as he drops the kind of party banger that will have your head in the clouds and your energy levels pushed beyond the limits of what this planet can contain. From here we move into Popcorn (JB’s Remix), this remix of the first single from Chrome Plus sees JB bring jazzy vibe of bass and drums, alongside some furious cuts, to the track. This sound elevates the track and energy into the atmosphere as Chrome spits his classic rapid-fire vocals which uplift you even more as he breaks it down about just what Chrome Plus is all about and what they are bringing to the party. Next up is Hole In My Pocket and we are eased into this one but, as the sound begins to come in, there is this feeling of an electro vibe mixed with Jean Michel-Jarre but, before we know it a funky sound kicks in and we are getting down to the sound, which mixes those live instruments with some electronic vibes. Here we find Chrome looking at some aspects of life where the bigger the hole, the less we can actually see. It might be frustrations with the music industry or money but, the deeper into the hole w get, the harder it is to see a way forward or a way out of the situation. The best way we can progress is to keep moving and find our own needle and thread to seal up that hole and make a more positive way forward the main vision. Formulate is a short musical interlude where all those elements of Chrome Plus come together for a short, almost meditative, expression of those live instruments. You can close your eyes for a few seconds and feel that musical energy in its purest form. Next up we have the B-side from the debut single, Pieces Will Align. The mix of organ notes and drums, alongside the live guitar and bass brings the kinda sound you want to nod your head to but, there is also this vibe that grabs your attention and makes you want to listen. Chrome slows his pace, ever so slightly, as he delivers a deeper message, one that seems to focus on the fractured nature of reality and life around us. In nearly every aspect of life, entertainment and music, there are many facets that don’t appear to fit. It is like for every piece of perfection there is an equal or opposite imperfection. But what if we could turn back the hands of time, find those imperfections and align all those pieces, what then? Reverberate comes with a mix of cuts, bass, drums and more that vibrates through your mind as Chrome continues the focus on aspects of time but, here its all about how changing things has the potential to reverberate a lot further that you can imagine. It’s like the theory that changing elements of the past could affect the future, the same can be said of many things like, if you change how, you make your music, it has the potential to change not just your thoughts but, also those of anyone who listens to your music. The final track of this first part of the journey culminates with Land of the Lost, this is a DJ track that sees Chrome and JB joined by Technical J and Mr Wonderful for a track that has a wicked drum beat over which we are treated to a truly stunning example of turntablism from all involved, with a little appearance from Chrome just reminding us that this is a little bit of scratch therapy, and one that is sorely needed, in my humble opinion…

Time to flip to part two of what is already something truly special, who knows what’s to come in the next twenty-five minutes or so. Well, if I’m honest, I have an idea as I’ve immersed myself in this a few times already but, you get what I’m sayin.’

Gamma Ray begins this next part of our trip with Chrome Plus and this guitar driven instrumental has you feeling like you are floating in zero gravity, with not a care in the world, just floating and letting time ease by but, there is no need to chill for too long because the bass and drums, with a little guitar, heralds the start of Be There, a funky vibe with the kind of drum beat that gets you bouncing once more. Chrome delivers what is a perfect expression of what it is to be in a relationship with someone you truly love. All those ups and downs you go through and how you support each other. I have not heard a better way of explaining how you feel and see a relationship from your own point of view. With those thoughts seeping into your awareness, the sound switches to another musical interlude. Is There Anybody Out There? has a more industrial vibe about it and almost acts as an audible pallet cleanser before the sound of Soap Box explodes into your awareness with this huge bass sound. The drums hit hard while the bass is eases back and the electric guitars take more to the forefront, combining to make a sound which has a Hip Hop/Punk kinda vibe about it, and rightly so, as Chrome steps up to sound off on all the things he sees around him that serve to grate on his nerves. He simply says what so many of us are feeling about society as we go about our days, and he uses his music as a way to express those feelings and stop the pressure building too far. We are then straight into what is probably the final original track of the album, Outpost 96 which begins with an electronic spacey kinda vibe with rapid drums, bass, and much more besides. This instrumental track takes you beyond the confines of the solar system and into deep space, leaving your minds to conjure up just what you might encounter along the way. Soon, electronic guitar notes bring you back to the here and now for a reworking of Chromes 2020 track GO! The GO! (Chrome Plus vs Rockid Sound Machine) has a cracking sound like mariachi vibe alongside a head nod drum beat that is just sublime. Chrome’s rapid-fire vocals see him speak on how he approaches his music, constantly experimenting and evolving his approach while enjoying what he does and maintaining a balance and connection to his audience. This is such a great reworking of the original that takes it to a whole new level while maintaining the message of the original. Next up we have two remixes of Gone is the day, these were the two that were recently released as the first single release from the album. First up is Gone Is The Day (Lieu’s Future Proof Remix ft Sleeps’s Cousin), this remix has a more guitar heavy rock vibe, which takes nothing away from the original but, adds a little more vibrancy and a verse from Sleep’s Cousin. That additional verse adds a little extra dimension with Sleep’s Cousin adding his own take on the frustration of life around him, fitting perfectly with the vibe of the track. The final track is Gone Is The Day (JB’s Transformer Remix), This takes the original and sees JB give it a transformer scratch rework. This creates this sound that at times seems industrial and then, gives it a far heavier pounding Hip Hop sound, mixing things up and giving you an assault on your senses, keeping you bouncing and breathless by the end…


I can’t sum this up right now with saying, Damn! That was something. Now, I have been fortunate to review some stunning albums this year and I’ve said it more than once already, I Think, But this has to be another strong contender for album of the year. It just takes all your conceptions of what a Hip Hop album is, blows them out the water and them puts them back together in a way that should not fit but, it does, and it does it with aplomb.

While I was writing this there was this little thought that occurred to me about this album, I’m not sure if it was intended or not but, indulge me for a minute or two.

So, the album begins with this guy who appears in a pretty dark place, confused, and possibly depressed by what he sees around him. Then, suddenly, he lets the music in and is transported off on this wild journey through space and time, totally changing his own awareness and understanding of what he sees around him. His choice to let the energy of the music in, creates a new openness within him, to such an extent that he is able to look at where he was at the beginning, reframing his initial thoughts from two different stand points and seeing how it now changes how he sees life’s progression, just by changing his energy, and even when there was the addition of another voice that was almost juxtaposed to his own views, the positive energy allowed him to see things in a different light…

Like I say, I’m not sure if I’m just seeing that or it was intentional but, this is what it said to me as I thought of the overall vibe of the album.

Off Planet is truly a stunning release that perfectly merges Hip Hop with live instruments and inspirational input from other genres, while creating a sound that is unique to Chrome Plus. They really seem to have cracked it, in terms of what they were intending on creating as a group. Chrome and JB’s experience within Hip Hop, mixed with the live interments of Phil and Tom come together in a way that just works so well. The Hip Hop vibe merging with the vibrant energy of the live instruments allows to feel the sound on many levels, it just seems to electrify your entire being with positive energy. That energy is apparent throughout the album, even when Chrome is touching on the more negative aspects of the world around us, that energy keeps raising you up and keeps you there.

Mixing up the album with instrumental tracks and those with Chrome’s distinctive voice, flows and wordplay, just gave it that added dimension that meant that everything flowed and worked so well together. Yes, you do need to go into this album without an expectation for what you’re about to hear but, do that and I can pretty much guarantee that you are going to be blown away by this because it gives you a dose of everything you want. In fact, all I need now is to experience Chrome Plus live on stage, as the live music experience is likely to be the cherry on the cake.

If you sleep on this one, you might as well stay asleep…


Off Planet is available later today, 24th May, on the always awesome ae Productions label, with digital, vinyl and cassette options available too.

My huge thanks to Chrome and Mr Fantastic for the giving me the chance to bring you my take on this stunning slice UK dopeness…

I’ll see you when I’m next on planet earth.



Order from ae Productions website here:

Grab from Chrome Plus Bandcamp here:

ChromePlus on Instagram:

ae Productions on Instagram:


Gone is the Day (Lieu's Future-Proof Remix ft Sleeps Cousin)





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