Friday 19 July 2024

EP Review: Ed Koch EP by Cut Beetlez and King Dion


Ed Koch EP


Cut Beetlez & King Dion


It is always good to have new music from my good friends the Cut Beetlez from Finland, and this time they are back with a new EP collaboration with King Dion, an emcee/DJ and producer out of Atlanta Georgia in the US.

The ED Kock EP is not the first time they have worked together as King Dion featured on the 2022 release by Cut Beetlez and The Food Lord ‘God Keep Me Safe In This Shity Place’. In fact, The Food Lord repays the fact by featuring on the final track of the EP. It was following this initial collaboration that they decided to keep working together on more projects.

You can bet that this one is going to be packed with some of the Cut Beetlez slick experimental production, which always keeps you wondering whats coming, so the best thing we can do here is to see exactly what Cut Beetlez and King Dion have in store for us on the Ed Kock EP.


The EP kicks off with the title track Ed Kock, which sees the Cut Beetlez on fine form bringing a fresh sound which seems to reflect the feeling of the warm summer weather. It might take you a few listens to really get a feel for what King Dion is putting across here but, for me, I got that there was this sense that it was all about being you own person, walking solo and not letting others get a hold of or control your own creativity and path in life. It might seem like a lot to pack into less than two minutes but, he really does say a lot here and you just need time to feel it.

Next up is Mommasum which has this big boom bap sound, full of horns, cuts and a pounding beat, which gets the adrenaline levels pushing up as you listen. What you are gonna get out of this one is a huge sense of respect, it really is just that simple here. You can feel that respect that King Dion has for his mom and those around him who are the closest, like family and friends, himself included. Wherever you are in life, whatever you’re doing, you gotta maintain that lever of respect for those who have always been there for you and that is where this one takes you.

Topshelfer has this laid-back sound that has a sparse drum beat with keys, while the bridge switches the vibe just enough to keep you guessing. What we get from King Dion here is that rap bragadochio vibe as he makes it plain and simple where he sits in the game. Here its all about claiming that top spot, right there on the top shelf and staying there.

The final track of the EP is Mr Overall which features The Food Lord and sees the Cut Beetlez strip the sound back even further here. The sparce beat has some flute elements and creates this almost far eastern meditative vibe, this brings the focus to the lyrics. There could be a number of things that this one is saying as you listen but, what I got from this is really making sure your involved in something, being a part of something and not just standing by and letting things slide. Whether you are standing up for yourself or for another person, stand up and make a difference. The appearance of The Food Lord here gives the track an extra dimension as his delivery and vocals have a more gritty and raw edge to them.


Once more we find that the Cut Beetlez production gives us something different on every track here. The first two tracks, although having differing sounds both have this vibe that is upbeat and energetic, giving you something to move to. The second two tracks have more of a thoughtful or reflective vibe. But, at times, the lyrics are almost at odds with the sound, like walking a mountain trail where there is a drop of several hundred feet to one side, you have foundation of the path and are enjoying it but, there is also that sense you are almost on a knife edge, it just works when you think that it won’t. It’s all about the Cut Beetlez consistently giving the emcee a challenge with which to rap to, which always brings elements that are making the emcee challenge themselves as well.

King Dion does a great job here with vocals that laid-back but, also have an intensity and complexity that hit you just as much as if you were listening to high paced rap style, it makes you want to go back and listen again to see what you missed, even though you have not missed a word. But he does a great job of making his words and flows fit with what the Cut Beetlez have places before him, which makes him worthy of that place on the top shelf and there is more to come from him, so he is one to watch.

Overall, the Ed Kock EP continues the quality production of the Cut Beetlez and their way of creating a platform for both legendary and those lesser-known names in the rap game and giving them all a challenge to further push their names forward. The EP also will give many their first introduction to King Dion, who gives a solid performance and places his name fairly and squarely on list of ones to watch.

The Ed Koch EP is out now so, check it out and make your own mind up.

Huge thanks to DJ J-Man of the Cut Beetlez for giving me the chance to review this one.

I’ll see ya next time.



Grab your copy of Ed Kock on Bandcamp Here:

Streaming links for Ed Koch Here:

Cut Beetlez Socials:

King Dion on Instagram:

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