Friday 13 September 2024

Album Review: S.T.A.R.V.E by Cappo






This review was originally written for the September Issue of the Killa Tapes Magazine. It is amazing to think that my reviews are being featured in physical magazine. There are not many magazines out there right now and it was reading magazines such as Hip Hop Connection and others that were part of the inspiration for me to do what I do now, because I wanted to do reviews which expanded on those short reviews and gave an insight from the point of view of a person who might buy and listen to the music. Anyway, back to the review...

Way back in the early 2000’s I became aware of a highly rated album by a UK emcee called CAPPO. This album, Spaz The World, quickly became hot property and one of the must haves of the time. So, to have the chance to review his latest work for my first review contribution in Killa Tapes Magazine is something special.

Cappo was born and raised in Nottingham UK and originally began his Hip Hop journey as a Graff writer. He also began rapping from an early age and by the Mid-1990’s getting noticed with his first proper show coming in 97 at the Nottingham carnival. His first Demo ‘First Knight’ came in 98, closely followed by the self-produced and self-financed ‘The Cap Tape Vol 1’. After getting noticed by SON records Cappo had a few released via the label before his first solo album ‘Spaz The World’ came on the Zebra Traffic label in 2003. Since then, he has become a legendary UK emcee, with a string of releases under his belt, the latest of which ‘CANON’ came in 2023

S.T.A.R.V.E is released via Plague records and is a nine-track album with some incredible physical releases on the cards too. The album is written and produced by Cappo, with some additional production coming from Congi, Theorist and Sam Zircon. Recorded and mixed by 1stBlood and mastered by Irn Mnky, the design and layout come from Rich Brown at Bee Graphics.

With all that said, there is only one thing left to do, and that is for me to take you through the album, top to bottom, giving you my impressions along the way…

It all kicks off with Jar which is produced by Congi and has a heavy pounding beat, interlaced with keys and more, giving it a sound that is deep but, also switches along the way keeping you focused on the words. Cappo’s vocals here seem to have this reflective air to them which mirrors the tone of the beat. Jar grabs you deep in your chest as Cappo speaks on what feels like the thoughts of someone musing on a broken relationship or even the loss of someone close, things that have a close emotive energy and leave you wondering what hits home more, the loss or the wonderful memories left behind. With those thoughts still so clear in your mind the intro to Drip, suddenly jerks you back to reality, produced by Theorist, this one has a sparse beat mixed with piano and the sound of dripping water. This all comes together for a vibe that plays havoc with your mind, much like Cappo’s words, which at first seem to be reflective of things he sees around him, from the struggles of relationships and changing aspects of who you are to fit with that relationship, to the struggles of a parent doing their best but, seeing their frustrations explode on those closest to them. However, as you listen you begin to question those thoughts and wonder if this all about one person’s experiences in life, dripping into his current awareness. There is not time to sit and contemplate those thoughts as Terrace 3 – Void hits with an accapella vibe, where Cappo’s words have the emotive strength of a person grappling with their own mental health, stepping back from those closest to them. The beat kicks in about halfway through and has a more modern sound to it, mixed with some electronic vibes that seems to match the feels of those intrusive thoughts that hit every day, matching the air of the lyrics perfectly.

Window is next and opens with an eerie intro, which I’m not gonna try and translate here, and sets a tone that has you wondering what’s coming. When the beat drops, it has a pounding feel that seems to weigh heavy on every nerve. Cappo’s words seep into your mind and speak on someone struggling with life, medicating and immersing themselves into anything that numbs the pain. Just as you are coming to some understanding, the beat changes, becoming slightly more upbeat with a sound that gets your head nodding. Here, it feels like this is a moment of clarity in an otherwise pain filled haze. This is a moment where you can suddenly see your own struggles and where you need to be to get back to who you are but, it is also the moment where you may question if you have the strength to do it? Terrace 2 is a short that has a huge impact, with Cappo’s words those someone might record in a live video, recording their thoughts as they continue to struggle with the strains of life where there is not enough money or help for those who need it most. I have seen this stuff first hand on the streets and in talking cafes and it hits so hard because these few words are so real and reflect the sad reality that so many live. With those words hitting so hard, it is almost a relief when the piano and head nod beat of Strongbow kick in but, that relief is short lived as the reality of Cappo’s words hit home once more. There is a glimmer of hope here though as this one focuses on someone doing their best to recover, swapping the spliff for a four pack of Stongbow, doing their best to take their meds in an attempt to get better but, only finding solace within their own four walls while the system looks down on them, labelling them and failing them and those around them. This is where the medical model favours legal drugs over giving more support and therapy that can truly help people get back into society and back on their feet.

Slow Poison is produced by Sam Zircon and brings a heavy modern sound with a grime edge to it. The piano elements give this one an emotive edge; that emotive edge fits with the vibe of the track which really seems to be focused on addiction in its various forms, and that is the poison which slowly invades you, gaining control of who you are, taking away your true self and separating you from those who care. Coming back from addiction is hard and takes willpower, something that has to come from deep inside, from your true self, and you have to recognise that and find who you truly are. The penultimate track is another short, Terrace 1, which brings another glimpse of the sun through the dark storm clouds. Here we hear the words of someone fighting to kick the darkness and find the light of the true self, realising that they have retreated from everything and everyone who brought light to their life. This is one of those huge steps forward in finding your true self, asking for the help. The last track of the album is Writeful Owner and brings another emotive vibe of electronic keys and heavy pounding beats that reinforce the deep aspects of the words. Those word here see Cappo opening up on moving forward with a clean slate, starting again after all the struggles, pain and suffering, this is where the new journey begins and walking forward into a future that you get to write yourself, written in a place that is illuminated by the light of love and positive vibes…

Sometimes you have to give yourself a minute when you are summing up the overall vibe of an album such as this, and this is one of those times.

On the face of it this album is about so many of the struggles that people go through in life but, it is so much more than that. S.T.A.R.V.E has such a deeply personal edge to it that you can’t help but feel as you listen to every track. It hits every emotion you have as you listen, from sadness and empathy to a conclusion that culminates in a feeling of relief as you understand that all the battles throughout the album have not gone in vain and there truly is a brighter horizon in view.

Cappo touches on so many subjects that anyone of us can relate to, and it is the strength of those words that impacts you so deeply as you listen; you can feel his pain because you know that pain but, more than that, you can feel the positive nature of the final track because you feel that too, and you feel all this because of the skilful way in which Cappo delivers every word of every line across the album and those spoken word elements carry such impact too, it’s almost unreal. The wordplay is incredible too as it matches the impact of the delivery, allowing you to hear and feel every word on a whole different level.

Production wise too, you can’t get much better here as every track has this sound that matches the tone of the lyrics perfectly, allowing every track to reverberate through your entire being, eliciting an emotive response that you might not be expecting. I have to commend the guest producers as much as the production from Cappo himself, it’s a cracking piece of work to say the least.

I don’t know how much of this might come from Cappo’s personal experience but, from sitting here and letting every word in, feeling those words too, it makes me think that these words could very well come from his own lived experience, which is why this album hits on so many levels, because it comes from a place that is rooted firmly in reality and true emotional experience and for someone to be that open and honest takes story teller to a whole different level. In fact, you could even say that this goes beyond story telling and becomes a beacon to those out there going through their own personal hell, and shows them a light, a direction to a true path of recovery.

S.T.A.R.V.E is out on Plague records now.

You should also check out the additional release by Cappo and Plague called Vignettes, a collection of additional shorts that serve as an expanded narrative for S.T.A.R.V.E and it protagonist. This is available as a free or Pay what you can download and well worth listening to once you have digested the original.

My humble thanks to Craig at Killa Tapes for asking me to do this and also huge thanks to Danny over at Plague for giving me the chance to review the album.

I’ll see ya next time.

Steve – Infinite Sounds UK 


Get your copy of S.T.A.R.V.E. here:

Get a copy of Vignettes Here:

Cappo Links:

Plague Links:

Get the Killa Tapes Magazine and much more from Killa Tapes Here:

Exclusive Single Review: Space Bear Clique / Waiting In The Wings by Doozer


Space Bear Clique / Waiting in the Wings



Produced by Djar One, Cuts by Specifik


It is an absolute pleasure to bring you an exclusive review of the upcoming addition to the B-Line Recordings catalogue. Space Bear Clique and the flip side Waiting in the Wings is a forthcoming single release from longtime B-Line collaborator the Doozer (Critically Ill, Contraflow Collective), featuring production from French producer and another B-Line collaborator Djar One, the single also features cuts from B-Lines head honcho himself, Specifik.

Now, this single has actually been sitting on the shelf for a little while, so its interesting that the B-side is called Waiting in the Wings as this single has been doing just that. I had a sniff of this one while having a chat with B-Line’s own Whirlwind D on a trip to Southampton some months back. This review was initially written for the Headz-zine Vol. 2 Issue 2, written and compiled by Adam De Paor-Evans (Project Cee). It came about when my initial review for this edition did not materialize and so I decided to reach out to Specifik to see if he would like me to review it here and give you a taste of what’s to come.  

Without further ado, let’s get into it…

Space Bear Clique

Violins, cuts, and a proper funky beat get your head nodding from the get-go on this one, in fact there is something about the sound and the vibe from Djar One that’s gets your whole body movin’, swaying from side to side as your head moves. This one seems to be precariously balanced between a serious and tongue-in-cheek as Doozer takes a shot at the social media era that we now find ourselves in. It is a time where so many people appear less interested in their own lives and dreams and far more interested in the latest funny meme that everyone is customising for their own ends, just to get a laugh or poke fun at some unfortunate person or celebrity figure. But, it’s not all that serious as Doozer takes a shot at flat earthers and the fact that there are plenty of people out there who will believe anything that is one the internet, as he points out you could say the earth is round and is being juggled by huge space bear and shortly there would be a whole clique rising from the belief that it is real. There are messages within this, like don’t be so serious about what you see on the internet, take a lot of it with a pinch of salt and don’t get drawn into everything you see. Also, don’t get distracted by the constant stream of memes that constantly invade your awareness when you scroll your social media feeds, they might be funny but, they also distract you from the reality of what’s going on around you and some, to be honest, are simply exploiting the pain of others. The real message though is just to not forget who you are and the dreams you have and don’t let the internet and social media distract you from what truly matters.


Waiting in the Wings

For this one Djar One combines another solid boom bap beat with some xylophone notes to create another infectious sound that has the energy to get you moving or just sit nodding your head to, like I’m doing right now. This one has a bit more of a serious edge to it as Doozer focuses on what’s going on in the world around him right now. The more you listen the more it become apparent that this is looking at all the changes that happen around us from the rising cost of living to those who govern and those who protest. So many of the choices we encounter or make, result in a negative outcome because to much focus is placed on making one thing happen and less on just how to get to that conclusion. Rising prices put more and more pressure on those who already struggle, because prices rise because of the greed of those with the ultimate control. So, many poor decisions are made because too many are feeding their own ego’s instead of focusing on what truly matters in their lives. The thing is that with every facet of life in all we do there is so often someone else standing by to take our place either through our own failings or by taking advantage and pushing you aside. We need our choices to have a positive impact on our lives and the lives of those around us. We all stand by those who mean something to us, if that sentiment could be broadened and adopted by everyone then who knows what world we could create for ourselves.


It is obvious from my extended reviews for each track here that they both elicited and fairly strong response in me; in fact, and if I’m honest, I could have written much more but, I always enjoy when I listen to something that allows me to do this because it means that even if I have not got the meaning of the track exactly, it does mean that I felt enough for it to allow my feeling to connect on some level and often that enough and Doozers words and how he crafts those for each track, certainly got me thinking and feeling, to the point my mind was nearly running away with me. He definitely has a skilful way of taking a message and spinning it in such a way through wordplay that it is both entertaining and thought provoking. Doozer is definitely one of the UK’s underrated rap artists, in my humble opinion.

If we are speaking of skill, then we can’t overlook Djar One or Specifik. Djar One is one of those producers who has this uncanny talent for taking the most obscure samples and flipping them into something brand new that can bring a smile to your face and have your head nodding on an almost unconscious level, and here are two great examples of what he does. One the face of it they seem to be two cracking Hip Hop boom bap beats but, when you go beyond that you realise that it takes a keen mind to know exactly how to chop up a sample and to add in all the little elements to get it just right and here two perfect examples as to why Djar One is one of the best out there. As for Specifik, well, what would a Hip Hop track be with out some cuts? Well, without cuts it could always be a little better and here Specifik shows just how a DJ/Producer knows how to put the right cuts in the right place to add that extra something to each track. It seems like a six-sense know how to select the right cuts and scratch pattern to bring the track alive.

When all is said and done Space Bear Clique and Waiting in the Wings are not just a welcome addition to the B-Line catalogue but, I can see this single doing big things on its release. So, I would say don’t sleep on this one because those 7-inch singles are gonna go quicker than a shooting star streaking across the night sky.

Space Bear Clique and Waiting in the Wings will be available soon through B-Line Recordings in conjunction with Hip Hop Be Bop and features some great artwork and direction from John Dyer.

On that note,

I’ll see you next time.



The single has not been released yet so keep watch on socials for details of the release date.

Please expect to see copies over at Hip Hop Be Bop:

Friday 6 September 2024

Single Review: Dark Star Demoralizer by Ill Sykes Prod. by Bogart


Dark Star Demoralizer


Ill Sykes

Prod. Bogart

It was back in November of last year that I reviewed The Chronicles of Nefaeria Volume 1 by Ill Sykes, and now he is back with a new single Dark Star Demoralizer. This new single is the first collaboration between the London based rapper and the Swiss based duo Bogart aka Marin and Jayztylez.

Released at the end of August, the first thing that hits you about Dark Star Demoralizer is that the opening almost teases you that this one might be a laid-back affair until the pounding beat drops in and gives those background vocal samples an entirely different edge, suddenly the whole thing takes on this dark, almost sinister air. Ill Sykes delivers his rugged poetic vocal style and wordplay in a way that mimics the vibe of Bogarts production and you begin to feel there is this dark, almost demonic feel that penetrates you, chilling you to the core. However, listen a little deeper and what appears to be the cry of a damned soul, is more like the cry of a soul that fears the eternal damnation and is looking for redemption. You almost feel that this reflects someone wrestling with their own sanity, with the devil on one shoulder and an angel on the other.

Dark Star Demoralizer is an exciting introduction into what promises to be an exciting collaboration between Ill Sykes and Bogart. The sound has this deep vibe that reflects the state of modern society but also keeps its roots in Hip Hop of the late 90’s and early 2000’s. What is also apparent here is that Ill Sykes rap style and Bogart’s production work very well together, each seemingly aware of exactly what is needed to breath life into the particular vibe they are looking for.

With this insight into what they are about to bring to the Hip Hop community, I for one will be eager to see what they bring in the form of a full album. With this mix of deep emotive beats and vocals that twist the senses with relatable topics and more, it looks to be a highly anticipated sound.

Dark Star Demoralizer is out now with artwork from Sinisa Kandic and a video from Full Clip Media and is released through their own Tu Phaze indie label. Go check it if you haven’t already.

See ya next time…



Check the single out Here:

Check everything on Ill Sykes Here:

Check out everything on Bogart Here:





Single Review: Introspection (Remix) by Alias Molombo Feat. Masta Ace, Heart.Wyred, Upfront MC & The Nicewun JM


Introspection (Remix)

Produced by Alias Molombo

Feat. Masta Ace, Heart.Wyred, Upfront MC & The Nicewun JM


It was only a few months back that I featured a track that was produced by German producer Alias Molombo. That track also featured The Nicewun JM (Wiltshire UK), and so when I heard that these two were going to be linking up again, it seemed only right to drop a review; and a good thing too as its official release is today, 6th September but, it has already been receiving some big airplay.

The Introspection (Remix) features a big international line up of emcees headlined by the legendary Masta Ace alongside Heart.Wyred (Germany), Upfront MC (Split Prophets, Bristol UK) and The Nicewun JM.


Let’s get straight into this one,

The Introspection (Remix) is a remix of Alias Molombo’s own single which featured Masta Ace, Heart.Wyred and Upfront MC, this remix adds The Nicewun JM to the mix. Molombo’s production here is quite laid-back, the drums are the main element but, there is this background sound that features what seems to be a xylophone, which when mixed in the drums gives this one a very thoughtful tone, which fits perfectly for the track. The whole message to this one is about looking within yourself, examining your own thoughts and feelings and questioning, what would be different, or would I be different if the choices I made or the events in life took me down a different path, exactly what Introspection is.

We have all considered what would life be like had choices and events and here we have four emcees giving us their own experiences of this aspect of life; doing it by thought provoking wordplay, mixed with real life experience. It is almost impossible to listen to this track and not have it bring your own introspective thoughts to mind. I know that I have daily introspective moments, and this track really does reflect those moments well.

This is a great track to get the mind ticking over in its relatable contact but is also enjoyable at the same time. There is also that international vibe to the track too, one that gets the mind ticking even more as you welcome the fact that this music brings us all closer together, something you don’t need to reflect on.

This is the second release that features the awesome artwork of Scum Doodlez aka Amir J. Sadeghi. I'll drop a link below to his Insta so you can hit him up for some dope art.

Introspection (Remix) is out today, so go check this one out.

Be seeing you…



Stream on Spotify Here:

 More from Alias Molombo Here:

Masta Ace on Insta:

Heart.Wyred on Insta Here:

Upfront MC on Insta Here:

The Nicewun JM on Insta Here:

Scum Doodlez aka Amir J. Sadeghi on Insta Here:



Tuesday 3 September 2024

Single Review: Sambuca (Smoove Mix) by Whirlwind D


Sambuca (Smoove Mix)


Whirlwind D


This one sneaked up on me almost under the radar but, after getting the chance to review the Smoove Remix of Labels, with the 7” version as the B-Side to Without Music (2021) and the full Extended Mix on the Libra album (2023), how could I pass up the chance to do this one. Simple, I couldn’t…

Sambuca (Smoove Mix) is a strictly limited 7” release, that is limited to just 100 copies, on B-Line recordings and is released today via Whirlwind D’s Bandcamp page.

I don’t want to keep you waiting on this one so, lets just get into it…


The funky beat immediately grabs your attention and those horns on the bridge give this one the sort of infectious sound that you gets you moving and puts a huge smile on your face and that vibe really fits so well with Whirlwind D’s witty vocals. Now, if you have not heard this track before, if not why not, it’s all about getting hyped up for those live shows, getting rid of any anxious feelings with a little liquid courage. Anyone who has been to Rope-A-Dope or certain live performances since the release of Libra, can tell you that that Sambuca has featured; the firey liquid burns its way from mouth to gut, giving the warmth and internal strength to perform with gusto and engage the crowd throughout. But this track might be all about getting hyped for the shows but, really sambuca is one of those drinks that you can just have fun with, a bit like this track sees Whirlwind D having some fun with it.

What I love about this track and this remix is that Smoove takes nothing away from the original, which was produced by Specific and had cuts from Djar One, but he gives it a whole new spin, giving it a funky vibrant club vibe that would not be out of place being thumped out a few notches above ten at your BBQ, in your car, wherever suits you. This one is sure to have you bouncing around every time you hear it. Just remember to drink responsibly and don’t have a shot every time you hear the word sambuca, otherwise you are likely only to get through one play of the track, Ha Ha…

This is a great addition to Whirlwind D’s catalog and a truly blinding remix from Smoove who just has this uncanny knack of feeling a track and knowing exactly how to elevate it and put the kind of spin on it that takes it off in a whole new direction. Plus, it could not have been released at a better time keeping those summer vibes going. 

The wicked artwork for the Sambuca label comes from the creative talent of John 'Digital' Dyer.

Grab a vinyl why you can and get this one flowing through your musical veins.

Huge thanks to my man Whirlwind D for giving me the chance to bring this one to you.

See ya next time,



Get your copy from Bandcamp Here: