Friday 20 September 2024

Album Review: Universal Patterns by The Chameleon


Universal Patterns


The Chameleon



It is not often that I get an album that piques my interest from the description of what its all about. However, when I got Universal Patterns by Newcastle based emcee The Chameleon (AKA Joe Robertson) the album was described as a musical exploration into AI/tech addiction, medieval knights, secret societies, numerology, spies, aliens and spiritual love, it really did grab my attention. Not only that but, the album features some of the UKs top producers and cuts from Jabbathakut, Fidel Cutstro, and Adika

Now, as this one delves into subjects, I have a personal knowledge and interest in, I think the best thing is for me get straight into it. There is a lot to get through here so join me on this deep dive into these twenty-four tracks and a little over an hour of the Universal Patterns


It all kicks off with Through The Mirror which is produced by Remulak and has a very chilled vibe that comes with movie samples, guitar and flute notes over a laid back beat. This one serves as an introduction to the Chameleon and really just sets the stage, giving you just a glimpse of what you are about to immerse yourself into. Replicate the Fabricant is next, with production from Ryan D who gives us an into from Blade Runner before a proper head nod beat drops in with this background sound that almost floats through your awareness and is almost juxtaposed to the beat, which brings a vibe that has you on the edge of chill and bouncing. This one explores the darker side of where technology is headed, from the way smart phones have become the norm, to how advanced tech can be implanted under or even tattooed onto the skin. It opens up the mind just where this might all lead. With all that in mind Tech Disease seems to expand on that notion. Produced by Manage the vibe has this heavy beat backed by guitar notes and cuts from Fidel Cutstro, that keeps things flowing with a laid-back edge. This definitely takes us deeper down the rabbit hole of how much tech influences how we live. This is a world where you can use AI to write for you, create your art and even make your video’s, and where the world some of us grew up in is quickly becoming a distant memory as people relay more and more on their devices and the younger generation rarely engage with the world around them. DJ A.D.S produces Virtual World and brings this head nod beat over a mix of piano notes and more that has this infectious energetic vibe to it. This one tackles things like virtual reality, virtual worlds, and ideas like the matrix where digital technology will become so advanced that you might be able to upload your consciousness to a digital world and essentially live or exist for an infinite length of time, an interesting or somewhat scary thought. Mechanical Movements is produced by Ryan D with cuts from Jabbathakut, the sound has a heavy drum beat with these eerie strings that tweak your nerves, just a little. This is more of a skit that touches on AI, social media etc and really invites you to look deeper and read between the lines in everything you do, and ask yourself why is AI making such huge strides and why do companies want this to happen? Could be to remove the human aspect from decision making and notions such as this? Think about it and I mean really think about it…

Produced by Sam Krats, Visions of Hell brings a heavy beat that is underpinned by this deep bass and an eerie sound seems to envelop you. This one switches the narrative away from technology and on to one that focuses more on secret societies and the clandestine activities of such. This is the stuff that exists in a world beyond what we normally see, clouded in a veil of secrecy that few of us will even penetrate but, it does exist. Ladder of Destiny is produced by Mark Fear who brings a head nod beat that is backed by a choral sample I have heard many times, and one which adds a deep edge to the overall vibe of the track. Here we find the focus remains in the cloak of secrecy but, here we find the narrative looks more at how science seeks to dispel any talk of a higher spiritual power. However, all the while those who cloak themselves in the veil of secrecy are engaged with these higher, or lower, powers in direct opposition to the information they release to general public. This is another area where we need to ask more questions and read between the lines of what is being said.

Hozay brings a more funk injected sound for Beast and Bunny, where the head nod beat is mixed with strings and a funky guitar vibe. This one is short and switches the narrative of the album once more as we find it is all about the beast being tamed by the love of a woman. Ryan D is back on production for The Love Gravity, with bass and keys behind the beat, giving this a laid-back funk vibe. Love is key in bringing balance to the world around us and this one takes us deep into many ways that you can bring love and balance into your life, something that you can’t avoid when you live around Glastonbury. But however you chose to achieve it, bringing more love into your life will change the way you see and interact with everything around you. Cosmic Kiss sees Manage and Ryan D joining forces on production, alongside Jabbathakut. The sound has a chilled edge to the first half of the track with just the Piano taking the forefront, halfway in and the beat drops in with sax notes that give the kind of sound you can close your eyes and drift off too. This one is deeply emotive love song but, not one in the normal sence as this love song speaks on a whole different level with cleaver and descriptive lyrics that stick with you.

The Visit is a short instrumental piece produced by Mr Slipz that seems to be almost a bridge between emotive vibes of the last few tracks; then transporting you beyond the confines of this planet. We move out of the atmosphere with DJ Nappa on production for the Galaxy of Mirrors where a heavy beat, keys and xylophone notes transport us to a new level of conscious awareness. Here we become embroiled in thoughts of time and space, where quantum mechanics and theory open us up to new ideas that encompass travel beyond what we know as now possible where the current laws of physics chose not to go. With those mind-blowing concepts now anchored in our awareness Speed of Thought takes that and runs with it. Ryan D’s production uses piano, sax and drums to keep us focused while The Chameleon leaves the rabbit hole and enters a wormhole that transcends spacetime and delves deep into what the mind is capable of if you truly focus. There is also a side focus here which brings in the subject of extraterrestrial biological entities, or Aliens. Controversial to some but, a subject that is inexorably linked to our awareness when we leave the confines of our planet and the 3-D construct. Talk of Aliens and UFOs continues with Warrior Kings where complex lyrics and the concept of planet earth being visited by UAP’s (Unknown Ariel Phenomena) takes the forefront. The production comes from Wounded Buffalo Beats who creates this head nod vibe that is underpinned by piano notes and has this vocal sample that seems to speak to you on an unconscious level, just as another intelligence might do. Out of Towners continues subjects of an out of this world nature. Produced by Manage and Jack Diggs, this one has an almost unsettling sound of drums and piano. There are almost too many things to pin down in this one from Aliens and UFOs to the Black Knight satellite and beyond. This one will have you mind in loops questioning what’s real and what’s not, and if these things are real just what binds them all together?

Trinity Codes switches the narrative once more, with production from Stu Tha Don and cuts from DJ A.D.S this one hits with a pounding beat and a mariachi type guitar and vocal samples that have you moving while listening intently to the vocals. This one seems to take us away from one particular focus on the world around us and takes us within. It is almost like we are listening to the thoughts of the protagonist as he sits and considers much of his internal knowledge and where it will lead him next and what effect that will have on those around him. As you consider what might come next, 9 comes forward to burst any notion that you might be able to string a cohesive thought into something that will help you understand. The head nod beat from Ryan D and cuts from Adika form this sound that you can’t help but enjoy; and all the while you enjoy that beat these deep lyrics that explore many aspects of the unseen world around us, sink into your unconscious awareness.

As the heavy beat and string infused head nod vibe from DJ Nappa hit from Love and Valor, it is time to switch the narrative once more, now we find ourselves drawn back through time to the realm of knights and wizards. A realm that could well still exist in another dimension, a place where the knight stands for all that is good and protects the land and its people. Our journey to the land of myth and legend continues with Arthurian Legend. This one is produced by Manage and has cuts from Jabbathakut. Manage brings strings and etheric vocals over this pounding beat that gets your head nodding. But there are no vocals here as this little instrumental makes you drawn back to its title and has you dreaming, albeit briefly, of the legends of king Arthur and the knights of the round table, something that is always in your awareness around Glastonbury, a place that it often described as Avalon. As your mind drifts into the mists of Avalon Hozay brings us an etheric sound of choral samples, guitar notes and a hefty drum beat for the Rap Crusader pt 2. Here the knights of old merge with the emcee to bring you a new bread of crusader, one who uses their lyrics as both sword and shield, while Jabbathakut slices the air with battleaxe cuts. This is followed directly by the Rap Crusader pt 1, produced by Ryan D, with cuts from Adika and additional vocals from Jane Walker, this one has the kind of beat that will have you out your seat, hitting hard with huge energy. This one is both a prequal and a sequel to what has gone before. Time to just sit back and enjoy, nuff said for now…

Hozay and Jabbathakut are back for Cloak and Swagger, a pounding beat with strings gets the energy levels up and the heads nodding once more. This one sees The Chameleon entering the world of international espionage. This one will have you thinking of James Bond, Jason Bourne, and more with no secrets safe as The Chameleon uncovers everything bringing it out into the open for everyone to see. The penultimate track of the album is Present Day, produced by Bay 29 and featuring Jabbathakut on the cuts, this one is an instrumental track that has a heavy beat with a background sound that has a gritty dark feel at times, while at others the piano comes forward to bring calm. The track focuses on some of the subjects that are seen in the media every day, from the war in Ukraine and the horrific situation in Palestine, to global warming, these are some of the of what we see every day, things that fill us with fear. The album ends with Hope, Rebirth and A Perfect Musical Universe. Just the title alone lifts your spirits, and the uplifting sound of sax, bass, keys and strings gives you that sense of hope and rebirth across the first two minutes; the following two minutes bring this piano track that forms the background to the vocals, a sampled narrative on music and what the perfect musical universe might look like. Now I’m not going to say I know who wrote this piece but, it does touch you and leaves you pondering that notion long after the track has ended.


With everything I have just written, how can I possibly sum up this album? Firstly, I can simply say WOW, because this album is packed so full of knowledge and information you could easily make two albums from this and it would still have the same impact. But, let me try and say just a little bit more…

Lyrically I found this to be extremely good because The Chameleon has a solid vocal style, flow and his wordplay are spot on and the way he incorporates the subject matter and complex descriptive narratives is, quite honestly, superb and being able to hear every word of this is truly something. Not only are some of these subjects the kind of esoteric stuff that many don’t like to speak about but, here he packs so much into this album its just mind blowing. I did like the way that each subject matter is grouped in a way that you could split them into little EPs and they would still work. The grouping might seem a little strange at first but, as you listen there is no effect on the flow and the positioning of the tracks about love and knights and strategically positioned to break up some of the heftier subjects so as to not overload the listener. It is still a marathon listen but, it has to be well worth it in my mind.

The production on this one is also top notch and you can probably see that from the names of the production credits. It just works so well in matching the vibe of each track and keeping the overall flow of the album working. There are all those little movie extracts and things that also add extra depth to the narrative of each track too. I don’t think I need to say much else production wise, it just that good.

Also great to see a wealth of cuts on this one too. Jabbathakut, Adika and Fidel Cutstro, all do a cracking job in adding that little extra depth to those tracks they feature on. It just brings that real Hip Hop vibe to life.

There is stuff on this album that I could talk about for hours as I have personally researched a lot of it in the past and it is always good to see someone willing to bring those subjects to life in a way that is enjoyable on a different level. Everything on the album is what you can encounter in day to day life, some of it is more sobering while much can be uplifting but, what is important here is that by bringing this stuff to you through the medium of music, allows you to enjoy it in a new way or, just enjoy it for being music, you do not necessarily have to immerse yourself in the subject matter, although I suspect that many people will find themselves looking up a particular subject after listening.

For me, this is one that has to be heard to be believed and understood. It is a deep dive beyond the normal and there is nothing wrong with that right, plus it makes you think and that is a good thing.

Universal Patterns is out now.

I’ll see you next time.



Grab you copy from Bandcamp Here:

All the Streaming links you need are right Here:



Tech Disease

Speed of Thought

Rap Crusader Pt 1

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