Friday 21 June 2024

Album Review: (What You Acting So) Grown Up For by Legs MC

(What You Acting So) Grown Up For?




(What You Acting So) Grown Up For? is the latest release in the Grown Up series from emcee/producer Legs MC (aka Daddy Legs). I’m reasonably familiar with this series having reviewed both the second and third releases of the series, Grown Up Too and Grown Up Free. As with the previous two releases in the series, this one also has a title that is a play on words but, what is different here is that there is only a couple of features this time around in the form of one of his sons, Raphael, and Shotty Horroh alongside the guest producers Solar Soundz and Murmur Beats. This suggests that we will be treated to a much more personal vibe on this album, even more so than the previous ones.

The only way to find out for sure is to join me as I take you through the album…

Now, the album is ten tracks long but also features a bonus track too, and it all kicks off with RAPHTMNT which features Legs MC’s son Raphael. The beat has more Lo-Fi feel to it for the first couple of minutes before we are treated a more head nod drum beat adding some adrenaline. This is like an extended intro that see’s Legs give a simple warning that focuses on the huge amount of lies and detrimental information that that is constantly thrust in our faces through our smart phones. In fact, it is true what he says here that there is a war going on inside our phones where the positive interactions we are all seeking are at odds with the stream of negativity that invades our awareness as we scroll through our daily social feeds. With such a powerful intro to the album, it gives you a real sense of what to expect and Web of Lies continues this with a proper heavy head nod vibe from drums, horns and organ notes, this gives us deep edge as we listen to the words of Legs MC. The message continues the focus of the previous track as Legs MC focuses more intently on what we see being projected to us through our phones every day. There is so much information that gives a false impression of the world around us and also of the lives of others. It appears that everyone is getting by and doing OK, when in reality it is far from that. So, many people struggle with just providing their basic needs but, they just hide the stress while at every turn it appears that their privacy is at constant threat from the apps, they use daily. It’s a wonder we even know what the real truth is anymore…

The beat on Psycho CIS gets your head nodding while the keys bring this vibe that has this John Carpenter soundtrack feel to it, giving you this dark infectious vibe. Here we initially feel that this one could be deep track focused on mental health but, there seems to be more going on here as Legs MC gives us another play on words as he describes his own talent with wordplay by bringing in the kind of punchy one liners that make you sit up and take notice, questioning exactly what the focus is and then coming away wondering if you truly got that or did Leg MC bend your mind a little too far. With your mind now in a state of flux, beat drops with a little edge to it that suggests something a little more light-hearted on Rappin’ Ain’t Easy. This short little number does exactly what it says and sees Legs MC drop a single verse that says, if you think its easy to do this rap stuff, then think again, because it takes a lot to do this while entertaining people and being able to say stuff that they can relate to, over and over again. Solar Soundz makes his first appearance with production on Digital Flowers, the sparce beat and electronic vibe carry you along while allowing you to focus more on the lyrics. This one sees Legs MC take a look at the digital music world where so many artists are focused on getting their flowers, those digital clicks, likes, thumbs ups and so on, that help push their music that bit further. But is it really all about that? Do you miss why you love doing what you do by constantly placing so much value on the digital fanbase. Sadly, the digital world is becoming more and more influential in what we do, including the music we love. It’s a sobering thought…

Hazey Purple is produced by Murmer Beats and features Shotty Horroh. The drums and guitars give this one a Hip Hop mariachi feel. It’s that mariachi story vibe that permeates this one as Legs MC and Shotty Horroh drop some emotive lyrics around smoking, being a stoner, why you do it and how it affects your life. There is definitely aspects of this one that really have that deep edge to them, taking you into the life of those seeking to escape reality for different reasons and leaves you thinking after the track is done. Organ notes and strings combine with head nod beat to bring another sound that gets you moving for Diamond in my Belly. This one is really about following your gut feeling when it comes to making those important decisions in life; those times where it’s make or break and you need to following that feeling that points you in the right direction. Now, your gut feeling might not always be the best decision but, by knowing you did it for the right reasons means that someone will benefit from it, even if that someone is not you directly. The drum beat for Take Me as I Am, keeps your head moving while the piano seems to envelop you in an emotional vibe. Here we find Legs MC opening up about who he is and the fact that he is not a person you can place neatly in a little box; you have take him at face value as an individual who does not prescribe to your personal ideas of how a person should, or shouldn’t, be. It really is that simple, so don’t be judgemental…

Murmer Beats provides production on Come Into My Life with an uplifting soulful vibe of organ notes, bass and drums. Legs MC mixes it up with rap and sung elements on this one as he brings us a beautiful ode to his wife and everything that she brings to his world. This is the kind of track that many of us guys can associate with and probably wish we had written too. This one obviously draws inspiration from the Joyce Sims track but, mixes it up nicely and ends with a snippet of a conversation between Legs MC and his wife. The final track of the album, before the bonus, is 80’s Kid, which is produced by Solar Soundz and has a chilled vibe that carries you along while this clicking keeps you rooted in the moment. There is a deep edge to this one that speaks to the older heads out there as Legs MC looks at the state of the country in the modern day, from the point of view of someone who grew up in the 80’s. Society in the here and now is far different from those times, I can vouch for that as a 70’s kid, as we now experience the kind of ups and downs our parents had but, on a whole new level, which makes you wonder what our kids will experience thirty or forty years from now. With those sobering thoughts still raw in our mind, it’s time for the final and bonus track, Stompin’, which all but wipes those thoughts from our mind by giving us a head nod vibe mixed with a heavy dose of orchestral sounds, which gives us a lift to round things off. Legs seems to take everything he has said in this album and literally stomps it into our awareness here by summing up the album for you…

I had to sit back for a minute or two and consider just what this album said to me overall, and there is a very real sense that (What You Acting So) Grown Up For is purposefully giving us a look at the ups and downs of life so that we can see just how serious and troubling it has become; and by doing that it is showing us that we need to feed that inner child inside all of us. Too much of life nowadays fills us with negativity and a sense of melancholy, to the point where there is little enjoyment left for us. But, if you listen a little more deeply to the words and pick up on the subtle hints, there is a lot to take away from this; all of which is pointing you towards lifting yourself up and finding enjoyment and love in your life once again. You can be grown up, without being so grown up…

Legs MC does bring a deeper more personal edge to this one and you really get the sense that this is one of those albums where the message was best delivered yourself and that takes nothing away from the appearance of Shotty Horroh, who does a cracking job here and perfectly adds to the message Legs is putting across.

I think that what really spoke to me on this one is the sense of all the things that mean so much to him, the very same values that mean so much to all of us, Beit family, love or our passion for something, it is all there and makes something that might appear so deep and dark, become the exact opposite. Sometimes you can only see the light by being put into the darkness.

Once again Legs MC shows the depth of his talent and how he uses his adept wordplay to create a highly enjoyable album that speaks to you on many levels, and it is the relatability of the albums content that makes it enjoyable and a great addition to the Grown Up series.

There really is so much to like here, the production from Legs, Murmer Beats and Solar Soundz, mixes Hip Hop beats with lo-fi, cinematic and orchestral sounds, all of which come together to bring some emotive vibes, which seem to really enhance and support the vocals. Legs vocals, once more, show that he is a talented emcee who draws on personal experience to bring extra depth to his work. He also delivers his lyrics in a way the makes you feel he is speaking to you on the same level and not trying to down to you or tell you what you do. It’s just directing you to look at things differently.

(What You Acting So) Grown Up For? is another cracking album from Legs MC that you need to check out for yourself. It is released tomorrow, 22nd, and is a great listen for the weekend.

Now, this was to be the end of the review But, following an email chat with Legs MC I decided to include some valuable insights around this album that will give you a little more to ponder over. So, I thought would add these as if it were a mini-interview type of thing:

You have the name Legs MC aka Daddy Legs, can you tell me a bit more about that?

Legs MC - Well when I came back to rap I kind of went with Daddy Legs MC as I didn’t really feel like I was the same person as I was before having children. My priorities, my attitudes, everything changed and a lot of what I record I imagine them listening to when they are older. For ease its still Legs MC but for anyone that knows me now Daddy Legs is prob more fitting!

My interpretation of the intro RAPHTMNT, is slightly different to how you wrote it, which kinda leads into some insights about how you approached the vocals on the album?

Legs MC - The intro has the chorus from faker breaker, a track I made in 2005ish and was my first music video. I was kind of saying it was a return to how I was when I first started which was basically not really giving a fuck what anyone thinks about it - like danny devito said I am getting old so I felt like getting weird with it - in most places in the album I am rapping my arse off but I also had quite a few moments when I was like I'm gonna sing and I'm not really bothered if anyone likes it. You could call it diminished responsibility. Be a bit more who gives a fuck.

Can you tell me a bit more about the track Diamond In My Belly?

Legs MC - The actual line "diamond in my belly" came from Zack while I was making the beat - he had put a gem on his stomach and kept saying it, then I repeated it to the beat and recorded it straight away. It also kind of meant that even if you don't like all of my content, there are gems in there if you are up for digging deep and know what to look for - like you are digging through my shit to find the diamonds - my shit may not be all bling but there is an unpolished diamond or two in there.

There is a lot of reflection on this album…

Legs MC - You're right, a lot of the album is a reflection of my past to try and work out who I am today.

Could you elaborate on the title of the album?

Legs MC - The title of the album comes from the fact my old friends would say that my music is way more serious than I am in real life, hence they would often not relate to my tunes because it was "too angry or depressing" - I think they meant moralistic lol!

Who did the artwork for the album cover?

Legs MC - My 5-year-old Zack did the drawings on the front cover.


My thanks to Legs MC for sending this one my way and for giving me those amazing insights into the album and more.

If you head over to Legs MC Bandcamp tonight at 7pm (UK Time), there is a special listening party for the the album, which is well worth your time.

The Album is released tomorrow 22nd.

So, I'm out,

I’ll see you next time,



Here is the one link you need, includes the Bandcamp Link:

Legs MC on Instagram:


Hazey Purple ft Shotty Horroh Prod. by Murmur Beats

Premiers at 19:00 on 21st June (GMT)







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